SanLorenzoTV, a supporter made youtube channel/website, and the Cuervos de Poe have put together a 'commercial' for the March 8th march supporting the 'vuelta a Boedo' - return to Boedo.
As if out of classic western, the fight against injustice is put forth:
"Their stadium was robbed" / "They swore to not stop till they won it back"
San Lorenzo lost their stadium in 1979 during some shady political business during the military dictatorship in Argentina; it has been long standing grievance for hinchas and in the recent years they have organized a social and political campaign to regain the property. Right now, a Carrefour shopping store, similar to a Wal-Mart, is under partial reconstruction where the "Gasómetro" once stood. Images of the old stadium define the historical memory of the club in its neighbourhood home of Boedo, the "historical restitution" of the "holy land" to San Lorenzo is also called "the return to Boedo".
Several marches have been organized in the past year or so to put pressure on the current city government to pass the law and figure out a way of returning the property to San Lorenzo. Starting at a few thousand, the second march in May last year was attended by 20 000 people and then 40 000 in June. Last December, more than 7000 people showed up to deliver a letter to the French embassador, outlining the case against the French company Carrefour. Ultimately, hinchas would like to construct a modern stadium on the Avenida La Plata.
On March 8th, another march is being organized by supporters. Advertising is sprinkled throughout the city and around the world - around 80 buses advertise the date, stickers and posters have been glued up, the date has been sprayed onto walls, and banners have been painted and displayed along highways, in towns in the provinces and as far away as Paris and Barcelona. Tables have been organized for the proceeding two weeks in the city centre and in Boedo to get information about the proposed law and campaign. Organizers are calling for 100 000 people.
No fight against injustice is complete without its heroes. The commercial stars some of the most recognizable 'characters' of San Lorenzo's hinchada, including the unstoppable "gordo ventilador" (the big fan), legendary 1970s player "el Sapo" (the frog) Villar, and members of the "Los Chiflados" murga. The rest of the captions read: "There is no flu / /... or exam that can stop us" "the return is supported by the people" "rise up 'cuervos' and occupy the Plaza de Mayo" "On March 8th, the supporters will play" ... "our faith moves supermarkets".
A work of (political) art.
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